Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

Georgian Society Newsletter - Issue 1, 1975

GSEY Newsletter

GSEY Newsletter

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John Carr of York, Architect 1723-1807 - Francis F. Johnson The Restoration of Blaydes House - Alan K. Bray

The Blaydes Family and their house in High Street, Kingston upon Hull R.A. Alec-Smith

The Restoration of the Wrought Iron Balustrade of Maister House - Alan K. Bray

Fenestration 1660-1830 Pt. 1- Francis F. Johnson

Maister House, Hull

Maister House

The building's sober facade hides one of the most fascinating interiors in the city; and a story of wealth, tragedy and high art. The wealth belonged to the Maister family. The Maisters were one of a number of merchant families who lived on Hull's High Street and traded with ports around the North Sea and Baltic. The family originated ... (read more...)

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