Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

St Mary's Church, South Dalton, East Yorkshire

South Dalton Church

South Dalton Church

The church of St Mary was designed by John Loughborough Pearson and built 1858-61 as a replacement for a brick structure. Its spire is over 200 feet (61 m) tall.

Inside the church lie a number of the Hotham family; the older monuments were transferred from the earlier church. There is a fine black and white marble monument in memory of Sir John Hotham, 2nd Baronet which is based on the Cecil tomb at Hatfield and dates from after 1697. Sir John is represented in life, as a reclining knight in full armour, with his helmet and gauntlet beside him, and in death, as a skeleton. Supporting the four corners of the tomb are statues representing the cardinal virtues.

The organ is a three manual instrument by William Hill dating from 1877 with additions by the local Hull firm, Foster & Andrews, in 1897.

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