Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

Newstead Abbey, Nottinghamshire

Newstead Abbey

Newstead Abbey

The Abbey was founded as an Augustinian priory in the late 12th century. The iconic West Front of the late 13th century church survives. Inside the house the medieval cloisters, Chapter House (now the Chapel) and a collection of medieval stone carvings and manuscripts evoke the Abbey's early history. In 1539 custody of the house was handed over to Sir John Byron, Lieutenant of Sherwood, who bought the whole estate from King Henry at the bargain price of £810, During the English Civil War the Byrons took the King's side. As the Abbey was confiscated by the Parliamentarians Newstead's next heir, Sir Richard was obliged to buy back his own inheritance. He most famous Byron to own Newstead was the 6th Lord, the poet George Gordon Byron. He inherited Ac Abbey in 1798 and lived mere between 1808 and 1814, In 1818 Lord Byron sold the Abbey to Thomas Wildman whose family owned it until 1861 when it passed to William Frederick Webb. The house features a collection of items that span the centuries, from when Newstead Abbey first became a prime house. It includes paintings, objects, letters, maps and photographs associated with the estate, including a collection of the eighteenth century views of Newstead Abbey by artist Pieter Tillemans.

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