Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

Online Consultation Survey: Accessibility of historic architecture and buildings records in archives repositories

Project Archivist Claire Weatherall with part of the Francis Johnson Collection

Project Archivist Claire Weatherall with part of the Francis Johnson Collection

Saturday, 10th May 2014

An invitation to take part in an online survey from Claire Weatherall, Project Archivist, Hull History Centre:

Hull University Archives is currently undertaking a project to catalogue the files of the architects firm of Francis Johnson and Partners. The firm, begun in 1937 by Francis Johnson (1911-1995), is based in Bridlington and has undertaken work extensively across the East Riding, North Yorkshire and the North East. Johnson�s reputation as a classical and restoration architect has led to an impressive portfolio of commissions working on historic buildings, country houses and churches. Some of the firm�s most notable projects have included Hardwick Hall in Derbyshire, Belton House in Lincolnshire, Maister House in Hull, Burton Agnes Hall, Fairfax House in York, York Minster, and St Chad�s College for the University of Durham.

The project is set to run until August 2015 when a catalogue of the collection will go live on the Hull History Centre website. Given the specialist nature of the Francis Johnson & Partners archive we want to make sure that our catalogue adequately describes the records. We also aim to raise awareness of the archive amongst audiences who might find it useful for educational, research and professional purposes.

With this in mind we have compiled a short online survey designed to help us understand how architecture and buildings specialists interact with historic architectural records. We invite students, researchers, professionals and anyone with an interest in architecture and buildings to take part. Answers provided will help us to improve the provision of access to archives. The results will not be shared with any external parties and will be used in-house solely for the purposes of project planning and improvement of services.

Please follow the link to take part in the online survey.

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