Georgian Society for East Yorkshire

Event to Celebrate the Life of the 1st & 3rd Earls of Burlington.

The 3rd Earl of Burlington

The 3rd Earl of Burlington

Thursday, 18th September 2014

Despite being one the great taste makers of the early Georgian period, there is no great monument to Richard Boyle, the 3rd Earl of Burlington (1694-1753). There are however coffin plates which were recovered from the crypt of Londesborough Church. These have recently been conserved and will be returned to the church.

A programme of events on Sunday 5th of October is planned to celebrate the life of the Earl and of his grandfather.

Maister House, Hull

Maister House

The building's sober facade hides one of the most fascinating interiors in the city; and a story of wealth, tragedy and high art. The wealth belonged to the Maister family. The Maisters were one of a number of merchant families who lived on Hull's High Street and traded with ports around the North Sea and Baltic. The family originated ... (read more...)

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